All productions are presented to INTERDEPENDENT Executive Producers and other investors only after a live table read "performance" of the final draft of the screenplay with all attached actors. A schedule and budget must be informed by the director and every department head prior to this presentation to investors. None of this work will be paid. Everyone's effort will be compensated in equity, but if the movie fails to move forward you risk a total loss of your time. Independent filmmakers do this every day, and we want the same independent spirit at the inception of every one of our productions. Whether that's your capital investment or sweat equity, everyone has some skin in the game on every production at INTERDEPENDENT. We are 100% all in on making great movies audiences want to see and will make nothing ourselves until we prove that point.

Contributing good stories well told for honest equity
Auteurs in creative control of their production
Stars and fresh faces ready for the big scren
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The Hu-Man With The Master Plan
Chris Amell | Executive Director "Freedom is obedience to self-formulated rules."

The Spirit of Interdependence
We invite you to find your role in an INTERDEPENDENT Picture.