Studio 1 | E2 • PRODUCTION Draft




Top ranked READERS will select screenplays FOR YOUR PREVIEW CONSIDERATION on January 4th, 2024.


  • Production Draft Day
  • The Status Quo in HOLLYWOOD
  • Our Upgrade to HOLLYWOOD 3.0

Production Draft Day

READERS and writers will come together to turn screenplays into production companies. Any production of a READER's choice will become eligible for EXECUTIVE PRODUCER investment as the EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS reading period begins here. A decision must be made by each EP before anything else is known about the fate of the prodution except what is on the page on this day. This is INTERDEPENDENT's opportunity to place the story above all else.

  • Production Draft Day marks the official start of the EP reading period
  • Everyone starts in our Telegram mailroom
  • READERS select screenplays for investment consideration
The four stages of an INTERDEPENDENT production

The Status Quo in HOLLYWOOD

Financial decisions related to investment in a Hollywood film by traditional studios and independent producers spending larger and larger sums of money eventually comes around to a discussion of why you need to have one or more of the following to make a big movie these days:

  • A Pre-awareness Title: Think sequels, based on a bestseller, comic book superheroes, etc. Any pre-branded brand that can attract a pre-determined audience.
  • A Name Director: Having someone with a track record at the helm investors can trust.
  • A Star Attachment: Investors need someone to sell the picture that people will recognize. They need some assurance you can put butts in seats or eyeballs on screens before financing production.

Basically, anything is possible, but getting an original screenplay from an unknown writer/director without star attachments studio support in HOLLYWOOD is difficult to say the least.

Upgrade to HOLLYWOOD 3.0

The idea of a HOLLYWOOD version 3.0 is taken from the concept of today's internet. Web 3.0, also known as Web3, is the third generation of the World Wide Web. Web 3.0 is meant to be decentralized, open to everyone and use a bottom-up design. Rather than being written and controlled by a small group of experts, the code was created in full view of everyone, enabling maximum participation and experimentation.

These Web 3.0 concepts applied to HOLLYWOOD results in the emergence of HOLLYWOOD 3.0, and INTERDEPENDENT Pictures delivering maximum participation and experimentation in show business globally.


INTERDEPENDENT is open to everyone. Everyone is a READER, and anyone can submit a screenplay, audition for a part, be attached as DIRECTOR, become an EXECUTIVE PRODUCER investor or partner behind the scenes in any role on a production.


Every INTERDEPENDENT Picture is recommended by an audience of READERS, funded by an audience of EXECUTIVE PRODUCER equity investors, and green-lit by audiences in theaters watching a PREVIEW and purchasing premiere tickets as a way to support the film before the FEATURE is even produced. Armed with the knowledge that a paying audience exists for a film before the FEATURE has been made means we no longer need to rely on OLD HOLLYWOOD decision making:

  • Pre-awareness Titles: Pre-awareness is created for every production by involving the audience directly in the screenplay recommendation and FEATURE green-lighting process with predictable box office results.
  • Name Directors: A trailer/PREVIEW is a miniature experience of the film for viewers and investors alike, giving even a first time DIRECTOR the opportunity to prove their investment-worthiness.
  • Star Attachments: Finding the right person for the part is all that matters as we discover talent together in our open online casting sessions designed to deliver audiences more breakthrough performances, while building a base of support for every ACTOR cast by engaging a wide audience in the casting process as well.
"Read a screenplay and RECOMMEND it for production, or buy a ticket to PREVIEW FEST to support its premiere! More people will have the opportunity to make their movie if you do.”

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